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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Friday, July 4, 2014

At least I know I'm free

I know that Hannah is always scared to death that I will make her sing God Bless the USA any time we have a political holiday.  With all due respect to Lee Greenwood, I want to borrow a line from him today as we celebrate Independence Day.

At least I know I'm free.........

I'm proud for several things this morning:
A loving wife
Two great sons
Two great daughters in love (Hannah becomes official in 7 days)
Two awesome grandkids (Myles has been with us this week!)
A great church family
An awesome job
A beautiful home

but lets get down to the subject for today, freedom.

Most people don't really understand what freedom really means.  That is why we are in the shape that we are in today.  Rules and standards don't take away freedom, they define it.  Let me explain.

Laws are not here to restrict us, they are here to protect us.  Borders are not here to fence us in or others out.  Standards of Holiness that God set forth centuries ago don't make Him the bad guy, it shows us that He loves us enough to set us free to fail.  Before we start to argue Grace, let me also say that we are not to take advantage of His Goodness and continue to hang on to our pet sins and shortcomings, but He gives us "free will"  in our covenant relationship with Him to make right decisions without feeling that He is standing over us with a cattle prod or a giant eraser to zap us when we fail.

The key is ownership.  We have to be citizens of the Kingdom of God to enjoy the true benefits of His Grace.  By the same token, If people want to explore the greatness of America, they should go about it in a lawful manner.  The jailbreak rush over the border is not freedom, it is anarchy.

How can you really know you are free?  Go about it the right way.  Get your citizenship through the right channels.  Take some responsibility and form the right relationships.  When you do you will discover the true wonder that we call freedom.

Marriage and family

Salvation and Grace

Citizenship and Country

There is a price to pay for what we call freedom.  Is it worth it?  I say YES!!!!!!

In the flow,


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