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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Monday, August 27, 2012

Whole lotta shakin going on

Way too long since last post, I know.

no, not me, Daniel, Hannah and some friends...

Last week at Walk on Water Church we had an amazing woman from Alaska named nancy Haney speak.  She shared a prophecy concerning a shaking that is coming in the near future.  I remember seven years ago when Kim Clement (I think it was Kim) prophesied the same kind of message before Katrina hit New Orleans.  Anyway, with the way this world is heading, I think we should all keep our heads up and our eyes on the horizon.

A young man in a local high school tragically took his own life the other day.  Several things come to mind as I pray about this situation.  First, the family and friends of this young man, as they deal with their loss.  My friend and colleague, who teaches across the hall from where this happened was out of work Friday, and many others interconnected with the young man that I know....

Second, the school as a whole.  I taught in this area for many years and I can't imagine the raw emotion of the students, staff and administration as they attempt to go on with the school day today.  God Bless them.

What is our responsibility as the Remnant?  To stand in the gap, to jump into the breach, to be restorers of the wall, to pray, pray, pray.  In a world where movie theaters and busy city streets can suddenly turn into scenes of horrible violence and understandable fear, we cry out for Your Mercy Lord.

As the song so ably says (thank you Building 429)

All I know is I'm not home yet, this is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus, this is not where I belong

This weeks set list at Walk on Water

We Cry Out by Jesus Culture
Made to Worship by Chris Tomlin
Treasure by Healing Flow
Where I Belong by Building 429
We are Hungry by Jesus Culture

This blog is connected to the Sunday Set List on theworshipcommunity.com where worship leaders all around the world share the music that they are experiencing.  Check it out. here is the linkhttp://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-214/

in the flow....