About Me

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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Friday, August 14, 2015


Transitions are always a challenge.  Why is it we are so quick to rebel against change?  Change takes us out of our comfort zone.  Change usually happens in the valley instead of on the mountain top.  Change often causes us to say goodbye to people we care deeply for and to fellowship with people we just don't know.  Change is hard.

Healing Flow is in a season of change.  This is not something we were looking for at this time, nor is it something we particularly enjoy....but here we are.  This is more than a Praise Band,  more than a Contemporary Christian Band, this is a family of people who share joys and sorrows, mountain tops and valleys, good times and not so good times, but most of all we have shared the life changing Presence of the Lord.  We have a motto, "Worship that takes you somewhere".  This is the most important part of our music, and when we miss this, we have missed the point.

Walk on Water World Outreach Church has been a huge part of our lives for many years.  The people of Walk on Water are near and dear to all of us, and the last thing we would want to do is hurt them.  Pastors Perry and Angie Burgess can take a lot of credit for how our music has developed and we will always love them for that.  They will always have an important place in our heart.

That being said, please pray for us as we continue on this Journey.
in the flow,
