About Me

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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Monday, October 15, 2012

Running on Water, Chasing Him....a followup report

So, its Monday morning and rainy and still trying to get my sea legs under me.

well, figuratively of course.

Sunday was amazing at Walk on Water Church.  Pastor Angie spoke on Worship using the story of Mary and the alabaster box.  The Presence of the Lord was there in a powerful way and lives were touched.

The set list included:

Rooftops by Jesus Culture
Everyday by Hillsongs United
Glorious Day by Casting Crowns
Treasure by Healing Flow
Ascend by Lenny LeBlanc
The More I Seek You by Kari Jobe

Its cool to see how our Hannah Roesch has learned to flow in the Spirit.  She is a gifted singer who is developing into an Anointed Worship leader.

Pray for us and Walk on Water Church as we seek the Lord's wisdom in the coming weeks.  I really feel that God is up to something big.

In the flow....


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Walking on Water

OK, here it is, a shameless plug for my church home.  There are many reasons why I love my church.  Let me share the top 10.

10.   The Praise Team.  Yes, Healing Flow.  You have got to understand, a church like ours does not usually get to have live, passionate, contemporary praise music.  I am not bragging on myself and my family, I am bragging on God.  You really can't possibly understand how blessed I am that God uses us like he does.  Cathy Roesch, Hannah, Kenny Voyles, my wife Frances, and my son Daniel are all anointed by God to lead worship.  Commerce, Georgia's best kept secret.

9.  The People.  We have a core of people at Walk on Water that will absolutely go to war.  This is in a converted garage, at a body shop, with no sign, no advertising, and only word of mouth.  We are soon going to have to make decisions concerning where we will meet based on running out of space.

8.  The Spirit.  God shows up on a regular basis, in that very same garage.  We should never take the Glory of God for granted as few churches get to experience the freedom and the flow that we get at WOW church.  Thank you Lord.

7.  The Word.  Great preaching week in and week out by our talented Pastoral staff,  Pastors Perry and Angie Burgess and Outreach Pastor Greg Roesch.  Fresh Rhema word straight from the Throne in a challenging yet highly entertaining delivery.  Never a dull moment.

6.  The Children's ministry.  Children's Church led by Linda Seabolt, a Saint of God with a lifelong passion for children and a calling and Anointing to match.  You don't have to worry about what is going on with your kids when Linda is in charge.

5.  The Heart for Ministry.  Walk on Water served as a homeless mission in Athens and fed and housed hundreds of people during that time.  Our Pastors have such a giving heart and a drive to help people that is evident when you meet them

4.  The Heart for Souls.  People can and will be confronted with the Gospel in this church.  Lives are changed and people are meeting Jesus.  What more can you ask for?

3.  The difference.  This is not your usual church.  As a matter of fact, this church cannot be copied or compared to any other church.  There is no compromising of the truth, no meaningless religious rituals, no preconceived notions.  Only genuine seeking of God.

2.  The Freedom.  Unparalleled liberty in worship.  You might need a few weeks to get your sea legs as the flow can be pretty powerful.  In my over 30 years of leading worship I have never experienced a trust and a freedom to worship as I have with Pastors Perry and Angie Burgess.

1.  The Pastors.  They make it all happen.  Now, before you rebuke me about exalting man let me qualify this by saying, these pastors bring this to pass only because they are 100 percent sold out and submitted to the Holy Spirit.  Their transparency and honesty before God is so refreshing in a world that is crying out for something real.  We are truly blessed.

There you have it folks.  Now if you are curious, or need a church home, come to 217 Sandy Creek Road (off the Ila Road near the golf course) and turn at the sign for Scott's Body Shop.  You will not be disappointed, I promise.

In the flow.....


Friday, September 7, 2012

Free Fallin

With all due respect to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

I just have to talk about my friend Vanessa.

Nessa and her husband Ray are some of our closest friends.  We have spent many hours together,  fellowshipping, sharing great times and great food, Playing cards for hours on end, sharing a love for great coffee and whatever the baristas can talk us into at Starbucks or Jittery Joes, or creating the same drinks in the comfort of our own kitchens but most of all, talking about our Lord and sharing our passion for worship and intercession and what the Lord is doing in the world today and in the future.

Nessa and Ray are unique individuals and a unique couple, devoted not only to each other and to the Lord but to their son Jason, his wife Karen and their daughter, and grandaughter number one, Savannah.  Savannah is battling a health condition but seems to have a handle on it through the healing hands of God and the fine Doctors in Augusta.

Ray is semi-retired, working when he can of wood working projects and creations and taking care of Vanessa.  The family pet, Misty is the luckiest and most spoiled dog in the world.  Nessa has been an accomplished baker and restauranteer and creator of many crafty things of her own.

Early on this year Nessa heard from the Lord that this year would be about her health.  She set about with great fervor to eat more healthier and to be more healthy.  In the midst of great successes in weight loss and such, Nessa had a nagging cough that would not go away.  As time went by, her energy level dropped and her ability to "catch her breath" became more and more challenging.  After dealing with this for quite some time, and seeking answers with different doctors, she had a complete blood work up.
The results were scary and Vanessa was transported to the hospital for tests and treatment.  Almost daily transfusions and countless units of platelets had little effect.  The diagnosis?  Cancer in the bone marrow.  Chemo and more platelets followed, but encouraging words were not coming from the Doctors.  Vanessa got to go home, but had to return daily for more treatment, more platelets, oxygen, and more.  After a three week stretch of this tiring routine, Vanessa called my wife Frances and said, "Is there any way you and Jack could meet us for lunch and coffee one day this week?"  We said of course, and said what day would be best for you?  We settled on Thursday, when we would be in Athens on business and we would hope for a good day for Nessa.  Thursday came and as her platelets test was not great, she was encouraged to go in for a transfusion.  Nessa asked if it might be possible to take a day off.  The Doctor enthusiastically said yes.  Go and have lunch with your friends, we can do this tomorrow.

Thursday came.  We met at the Olive Garden for a great feast of food and good times.  It seemed we had the old Vanessa back.  Cutting up and enjoying the time together.  We headed from there to Jittery Joes for lattes and more good times.  There we talked about the Lord, sharing rhema words from the Lord and where we felt the world might be heading.  Talking about the deep things of the Spirit and Nessa sharing the burden of what the Lord was speaking to her.  I remember encouraging her to journal, saying that the Lord could use her to touch many people.  She gave us such encouragement and shared victory and the assurance that the Lord was working in her behalf.  She never wavered in the knowledge that she was firmly in the palm of God's hand.  Then she shared that she wanted me to tell my son Daniel that she now understood why he loves to sing Free Fallin by Tom Petty in the midst of a worship set.  I told her how much I admired her faith in the face of the obstacles she was facing.  We told her and Ray we were going to the mountains for a few days of R&R but to keep in touch and call if they needed us.

The next day, Friday,  Nessa's body rejected the platelet transfusion for the first time.  By Saturday, she had to go back to the hospital,  where they put her in ICU.  Pneumonia was setting in and things looked rough.  I talked to Ray Sunday morning when he called for prayers of the saints.  I prayed for Vanessa and asked God to give her her miracle.  We were sitting at the table in the condo in the mountains when the text came in around 2:15.  I almost didn't even want to look at it.  Frances said "Oh No!" and I handed her the phone.  Vanessa went home to be with Jesus at 2:00.

It still doesn't seem real.  We had a celebration service, a homegoing as Pastor Conine called it.  We shared worship, stories, food and fellowship, and I believe Vanessa would be proud.  Ray, Jason, Karen, Savannah, and Mrs. Dollie (Vanessa's mother) are holding up remarkably well.  Please join me in lifting them up to the Lord for His comfort and the Peace that passes all understanding.

For Vanessa, I sang Free Fallin at the Potters House as we led worship there Wednesday night.  I can only imagine Vanessa as she is experiencing a Free Fall into the Master's Arms.

Now I'm Free....Free Fallin


Monday, August 27, 2012

Whole lotta shakin going on

Way too long since last post, I know.

no, not me, Daniel, Hannah and some friends...

Last week at Walk on Water Church we had an amazing woman from Alaska named nancy Haney speak.  She shared a prophecy concerning a shaking that is coming in the near future.  I remember seven years ago when Kim Clement (I think it was Kim) prophesied the same kind of message before Katrina hit New Orleans.  Anyway, with the way this world is heading, I think we should all keep our heads up and our eyes on the horizon.

A young man in a local high school tragically took his own life the other day.  Several things come to mind as I pray about this situation.  First, the family and friends of this young man, as they deal with their loss.  My friend and colleague, who teaches across the hall from where this happened was out of work Friday, and many others interconnected with the young man that I know....

Second, the school as a whole.  I taught in this area for many years and I can't imagine the raw emotion of the students, staff and administration as they attempt to go on with the school day today.  God Bless them.

What is our responsibility as the Remnant?  To stand in the gap, to jump into the breach, to be restorers of the wall, to pray, pray, pray.  In a world where movie theaters and busy city streets can suddenly turn into scenes of horrible violence and understandable fear, we cry out for Your Mercy Lord.

As the song so ably says (thank you Building 429)

All I know is I'm not home yet, this is not where I belong
Take this world and give me Jesus, this is not where I belong

This weeks set list at Walk on Water

We Cry Out by Jesus Culture
Made to Worship by Chris Tomlin
Treasure by Healing Flow
Where I Belong by Building 429
We are Hungry by Jesus Culture

This blog is connected to the Sunday Set List on theworshipcommunity.com where worship leaders all around the world share the music that they are experiencing.  Check it out. here is the linkhttp://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-214/

in the flow....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Winning the Battle of the Mind

Sometimes we just get a little too wrapped up in our work, huh?

Evangelist Rebecca Wheeler brought this timely word this week at Walk on Water Church.  We spend way too much time believing all the junk that is poured through our noggins and not nearly enough time considering the truth of God's Word.

Let's try this out for a minute.  Lie #1  Women have no business in the pulpit.  Rebecca Wheeler can just bring it.  No question.  Our Pastor, Angie Burgess can hold her own with just about anyone.  Where do people get these ideas?

Lie #2  Rock and Roll is the devil and has no place in a house of worship.  Hang on to your red back hymnals, folks, but there is some annointed rockin music that lifts up the Name of Jesus.  As one who was saved, not at a church service but at a concert of Contemporary Christian Music, I can say that, personally, withour music that spoke to me, I would be lost and probably dead.

When we forget that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, when we try to explain a supernatural God in terms of our finite minds, we fall so short.  The Bible tells us to "Magnify the Lord".  He's a big, big God.

This week's set list:

Come, Now is the Time  (a classic)
Breath of God (Healing Flow)
Healer (Planetshakers)
Where I Belong (Building 429)
I Lift My Hands (Chris Tomlin)

Let's step back this week and see things from His perspective.  He's a Big God.

This blog is linked to the Worship Community's "Sunday Set Lists" where you can see what others on the Worship world are singing.  Visit their site at http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-202/

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bridges, revisited

When last we talked, we were exploring the subject of building bridges.  This week we will be building more, beginning on Saturday Night.  This is an outreach we call "Rockin the Track".  The Racers for Christ ministry has invited us to do a concert at the Atlanta Dragway, which will begin around 5 in the Campground.  Look for the big tent near the top of the hill.  This is a unique opportunity as we will have thousands of people in ear reach of us, and it is street ministry at it's best.  With a little help from the Holy Spirit and a few hundred watts from out PA we can reach thousands more who are trapped in the usual parking lot traffic jam.  The idea is to draw a crowd, give away food, and share the love of Jesus.  I could picture the Lord in a situation like this, hanging out with real people and showing that He cares.  Come and join us.

Sunday Morning we will be joining Walk on Water Church and our Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess as we travel to McDonough Georgia to worship together with Pastor James Scott and his church, Shabbach. This is an exciting, Prophetic, Charismatic, Contemporary Church which happens to be primarily made up of African-Americans.  The cool thing, without sounding patronizing or cliche, is that two somewhat diverse congregations coming together to worship doesn't happen that often, and the fellowship and kinship we feel is special.  I don't know exactly what God has in mind, and this is the fourth time we have worshipped together, but I do know that God's heart is after people who can lay down differences and enjoy the brotherhood that is truly a snapshot of what eternity will be like, as we worship at the feet of the Throne.  Come and be a part of what I think will be a mindblowing experience.  Shabbach meets at 500 Industrial Boulevard, McDonough GA 30253.

I hear Praise reports from around the state and the country that God is moving in a new and powerful way.  I challenge you to jump into the water, let God do a new thing in you as well.  There is so much more to this relationship with Him than we have ever experienced.  I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

in the flow.....


Monday, March 19, 2012


Natchez Trace Bridge, near Nashville

In a world where bridges get too easily burned, where politics are divisive and Sunday morning is the most segregated hour of the week, when excuses are far too easy and patronizing phrases are thrown around for the throwers benefit, comes my Pastor, Perry Burgess.

This is a man who, even though he had no idea from where the funding was going to come, spent a great deal of personal energy and wealth to feed and house the homeless people of Athens for the last several years, only to be unceremoniously shown the door himself a year ago and his homeless outreach essentially homeless itself.

Fast forward to the present time. On Sunday, March 18, our fellowship, Walk on Water Church hosted another fellowship, Shabbat, and their Pastor, James Scott in a joint service. The peoples greeted each other as long lost friends, worshipped together with enthusiasm and unity of heart, pushed into the Presence of the Lord and then feasted not only on the Word of God but also on a huge array of food wonderfully made by some of this areas finest cooks.

Pastor Scott brought a great word, "Wait on the Lord" and encouraged all to not get ahead of God. This young man is a hooked up, family man, visionary, with obvious oratorical and prophetic gifts, with a word for this nation and this world. It's not a black thing, it's not a white thing, it's a God thing. Yes, if you haven't figured this out already, Pastor Scott is a black man with a black church. Pastor Burgess and Pastor Scott have come to realize that God has drawn them together for a reason, and plan on meeting again two more times (at least): April 15 in Commerce and May 6th in McDonough.

I highly encourage anyone who is the least bit curious, if the Lord has tweeked your consciousness, or if you just want to experience what was and could again be one of the most awesome Worship experiences of your life.....come. There are bridges to be built.

in the flow.....


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thank you Mr. President

Now, before you think I fell of the conservative wagon and became a democrat, let me just say the thanks go to Washington and Lincoln, and the inventors of Presidents Day, makers of the 4 day weekend without a trip to Hallmark to get a card.

As we watch gas prices jump dramatically and head for $5 a gallon, and wars and rumors of wars, and the US economy in tatters and many good God fearing people losing their jobs, houses, and ways of life, the best the Republican Party can do is tear each other down over social issues, faith, and their ability/inability to handle their personal lives. Good men run out of the race over such petty things and the choices left less than appealing.

This is the greatest county on earth, for crying out loud. Is this the best we can do to pick a leader? We put more real thought into picking the American Idol. There, I said it.

The big problem....2012, the end of the world (as we know it?).....time zipping by and we look like we could be headed toward Book of Revelation type stuff in the Middle East. What should we do, Randy Jackson? Where is the answer, Steven Tyler? Help us, Jennifer Lopez!

I thank God for friends that challenge me in my walk with the Lord, for colleagues and clients who feel free to talk about their faith, most of all for a Godly wife and kids who are secure in who they are and where they are heading. I've been in the studio this week working on a tune I wrote called Gotta Have Faith, a Southern Rock tune that reminds us...

Gotta hang on when the going gets tough
Gotta stay strong when it doesn't look good
Gotta keep trying when I don't have enough
Gotta know that He'll do what He said He would
Gotta have Faith
©2012 Healing Flow Music ASCAP

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The CD is here!

After a lot of work, and three years of writing, producing, and editing, we are proud to present for your amusement and edification, our first CD, self titled Healing Flow.

All of the music on this project is original, birthed out of the Spirit and from the inspiration and experiences that the Lord has brought us through. There are many people to thank, people who have been a part of the praise team as we evolved into who we are today, people like my son Christopher and his lovely wife Angie; (who sings on several tracks) Angie's mother Cathy Miller (who sings on several tracks), many other singers and musicians who have been a part of what we do such as Pete Hedrick, Cindy Jones, Keith Franks, Phillip Council, Steve Murray, Carla Miller, James Luthi, Chris Carithers, Phillip Parsons, and many more through the years.

Healing Flow was "birthed" many years ago, prophesied by Sion Alford and the team from Living Word Fellowship Church and Pastor Heyward Miller, and many of the songs we have written came from inspiration and encouragement of many years of "Fresh Fire" and the great people we met there like Sion, Selena, Mike and their great team, Israel Houghton, Clint Brown, Kent Henry, and others. Many churches were instrumental along the way, like Harvest Chapel, First Love Outreach Center, Redemption Outreach, and Community Church.

We owe a great debt of love to our Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess and our home church, Walk on Water World Outreach Church for supporting, encouraging, inspiring, and loving us into the praise and worship team that we are. Healing Flow is Jack, Frances, and Daniel Balthazor; Cathy and Hannah Roesch, and Kenny Voyles.

A big thanks goes out to the "Big Bison" my brother Lindsey Williams, the man who mixed and mastered this project and whose talents in producing and playing can be heard throughout the CD. We have learned so much in the last three years and we love you and Susan and your family.

Tracks on the CD include:
Treasure, Cover Me, Praise is What We Do, Psalm 5, Healing Flow, Coming Rain, Breath of God, Path of Life, and Praise Your Name. All tunes were written by Jack and Daniel Balthazor and are published and copywrited through Healing Flow Music (ASCAP).

CD's are available right now through Jack and Frances Balthazor and will soon be available online, (as soon as we can get all that arranged) or come see us at WOW Church at 217 Sandy Creek Road in Commerce on Sunday Mornings at 11:00 a.m.

in the flow...
