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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Walking on Water

OK, here it is, a shameless plug for my church home.  There are many reasons why I love my church.  Let me share the top 10.

10.   The Praise Team.  Yes, Healing Flow.  You have got to understand, a church like ours does not usually get to have live, passionate, contemporary praise music.  I am not bragging on myself and my family, I am bragging on God.  You really can't possibly understand how blessed I am that God uses us like he does.  Cathy Roesch, Hannah, Kenny Voyles, my wife Frances, and my son Daniel are all anointed by God to lead worship.  Commerce, Georgia's best kept secret.

9.  The People.  We have a core of people at Walk on Water that will absolutely go to war.  This is in a converted garage, at a body shop, with no sign, no advertising, and only word of mouth.  We are soon going to have to make decisions concerning where we will meet based on running out of space.

8.  The Spirit.  God shows up on a regular basis, in that very same garage.  We should never take the Glory of God for granted as few churches get to experience the freedom and the flow that we get at WOW church.  Thank you Lord.

7.  The Word.  Great preaching week in and week out by our talented Pastoral staff,  Pastors Perry and Angie Burgess and Outreach Pastor Greg Roesch.  Fresh Rhema word straight from the Throne in a challenging yet highly entertaining delivery.  Never a dull moment.

6.  The Children's ministry.  Children's Church led by Linda Seabolt, a Saint of God with a lifelong passion for children and a calling and Anointing to match.  You don't have to worry about what is going on with your kids when Linda is in charge.

5.  The Heart for Ministry.  Walk on Water served as a homeless mission in Athens and fed and housed hundreds of people during that time.  Our Pastors have such a giving heart and a drive to help people that is evident when you meet them

4.  The Heart for Souls.  People can and will be confronted with the Gospel in this church.  Lives are changed and people are meeting Jesus.  What more can you ask for?

3.  The difference.  This is not your usual church.  As a matter of fact, this church cannot be copied or compared to any other church.  There is no compromising of the truth, no meaningless religious rituals, no preconceived notions.  Only genuine seeking of God.

2.  The Freedom.  Unparalleled liberty in worship.  You might need a few weeks to get your sea legs as the flow can be pretty powerful.  In my over 30 years of leading worship I have never experienced a trust and a freedom to worship as I have with Pastors Perry and Angie Burgess.

1.  The Pastors.  They make it all happen.  Now, before you rebuke me about exalting man let me qualify this by saying, these pastors bring this to pass only because they are 100 percent sold out and submitted to the Holy Spirit.  Their transparency and honesty before God is so refreshing in a world that is crying out for something real.  We are truly blessed.

There you have it folks.  Now if you are curious, or need a church home, come to 217 Sandy Creek Road (off the Ila Road near the golf course) and turn at the sign for Scott's Body Shop.  You will not be disappointed, I promise.

In the flow.....


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