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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Monday, July 25, 2011

Think Outside of the Box

Me and Myles cooling out at Starbucks

A moment of your time, if you please....

What is normal, anyway? Why do some people insist on routine? Why do we expect things to stay pretty much the same, even though while we were not paying attention, the world kept spinning around last night?

As much as I like things to go smoothly, it just never seems to work out that way....and why? When we get stuck in traffic and our schedule gets changed, then we hear of a terrible storm or accident that we avoided, or have a chance encounter with someone that otherwise wouldn't have occurred, do we ever stop and thank God that He knows exactly what we need?

Are we sensitive enough to His Spirit when He whispers "This is the way, walk in it!" and do we watch for the signs of His influence, or do we curse the very roadblocks and detours that may have been set up just for us?

Lately I find myself praying, "Lord, open doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open". Think about that for a minute. Are you ready for that one or do you find yourself pushing on the door that says pull, fussing all along that you are about to be late.

Let's think a little outside the box and see what adventures may await on the other side of normal. Let's get a little lost in the zone where we aren't quite as comfortable. Let's visit the Shabat of praise and live in that higher plane. If we truly want the supernatural to operate in our lives, lets not try to make it "normal" or explainable, or comprehendable, and see where it takes us.

Worth a try? (on a Monday morning, what do we have to lose?)

in the flow


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