Now, before you think I fell of the conservative wagon and became a democrat, let me just say the thanks go to Washington and Lincoln, and the inventors of Presidents Day, makers of the 4 day weekend without a trip to Hallmark to get a card.
As we watch gas prices jump dramatically and head for $5 a gallon, and wars and rumors of wars, and the US economy in tatters and many good God fearing people losing their jobs, houses, and ways of life, the best the Republican Party can do is tear each other down over social issues, faith, and their ability/inability to handle their personal lives. Good men run out of the race over such petty things and the choices left less than appealing.
This is the greatest county on earth, for crying out loud. Is this the best we can do to pick a leader? We put more real thought into picking the American Idol. There, I said it.
The big problem....2012, the end of the world (as we know it?).....time zipping by and we look like we could be headed toward Book of Revelation type stuff in the Middle East. What should we do, Randy Jackson? Where is the answer, Steven Tyler? Help us, Jennifer Lopez!
I thank God for friends that challenge me in my walk with the Lord, for colleagues and clients who feel free to talk about their faith, most of all for a Godly wife and kids who are secure in who they are and where they are heading. I've been in the studio this week working on a tune I wrote called Gotta Have Faith, a Southern Rock tune that reminds us...
Gotta hang on when the going gets tough
Gotta stay strong when it doesn't look good
Gotta keep trying when I don't have enough
Gotta know that He'll do what He said He would
Gotta have Faith
©2012 Healing Flow Music ASCAP
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