Natchez Trace Bridge, near Nashville
In a world where bridges get too easily burned, where politics are divisive and Sunday morning is the most segregated hour of the week, when excuses are far too easy and patronizing phrases are thrown around for the throwers benefit, comes my Pastor, Perry Burgess.
This is a man who, even though he had no idea from where the funding was going to come, spent a great deal of personal energy and wealth to feed and house the homeless people of Athens for the last several years, only to be unceremoniously shown the door himself a year ago and his homeless outreach essentially homeless itself.
Fast forward to the present time. On Sunday, March 18, our fellowship, Walk on Water Church hosted another fellowship, Shabbat, and their Pastor, James Scott in a joint service. The peoples greeted each other as long lost friends, worshipped together with enthusiasm and unity of heart, pushed into the Presence of the Lord and then feasted not only on the Word of God but also on a huge array of food wonderfully made by some of this areas finest cooks.
Pastor Scott brought a great word, "Wait on the Lord" and encouraged all to not get ahead of God. This young man is a hooked up, family man, visionary, with obvious oratorical and prophetic gifts, with a word for this nation and this world. It's not a black thing, it's not a white thing, it's a God thing. Yes, if you haven't figured this out already, Pastor Scott is a black man with a black church. Pastor Burgess and Pastor Scott have come to realize that God has drawn them together for a reason, and plan on meeting again two more times (at least): April 15 in Commerce and May 6th in McDonough.
I highly encourage anyone who is the least bit curious, if the Lord has tweeked your consciousness, or if you just want to experience what was and could again be one of the most awesome Worship experiences of your life.....come. There are bridges to be built.
in the flow.....
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