After a lot of work, and three years of writing, producing, and editing, we are proud to present for your amusement and edification, our first CD, self titled Healing Flow.
All of the music on this project is original, birthed out of the Spirit and from the inspiration and experiences that the Lord has brought us through. There are many people to thank, people who have been a part of the praise team as we evolved into who we are today, people like my son Christopher and his lovely wife Angie; (who sings on several tracks) Angie's mother Cathy Miller (who sings on several tracks), many other singers and musicians who have been a part of what we do such as Pete Hedrick, Cindy Jones, Keith Franks, Phillip Council, Steve Murray, Carla Miller, James Luthi, Chris Carithers, Phillip Parsons, and many more through the years.
Healing Flow was "birthed" many years ago, prophesied by Sion Alford and the team from Living Word Fellowship Church and Pastor Heyward Miller, and many of the songs we have written came from inspiration and encouragement of many years of "Fresh Fire" and the great people we met there like Sion, Selena, Mike and their great team, Israel Houghton, Clint Brown, Kent Henry, and others. Many churches were instrumental along the way, like Harvest Chapel, First Love Outreach Center, Redemption Outreach, and Community Church.
We owe a great debt of love to our Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess and our home church, Walk on Water World Outreach Church for supporting, encouraging, inspiring, and loving us into the praise and worship team that we are. Healing Flow is Jack, Frances, and Daniel Balthazor; Cathy and Hannah Roesch, and Kenny Voyles.
A big thanks goes out to the "Big Bison" my brother Lindsey Williams, the man who mixed and mastered this project and whose talents in producing and playing can be heard throughout the CD. We have learned so much in the last three years and we love you and Susan and your family.
Tracks on the CD include:
Treasure, Cover Me, Praise is What We Do, Psalm 5, Healing Flow, Coming Rain, Breath of God, Path of Life, and Praise Your Name. All tunes were written by Jack and Daniel Balthazor and are published and copywrited through Healing Flow Music (ASCAP).
CD's are available right now through Jack and Frances Balthazor and will soon be available online, (as soon as we can get all that arranged) or come see us at WOW Church at 217 Sandy Creek Road in Commerce on Sunday Mornings at 11:00 a.m.
in the flow...
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