What is it?
One or the other.....or both? A reason to be off work, a time to behave and not argue politics, a breather in this hectic rat race, a good reason to not avoid your family, your church, your nearby Walmart, what?
There is a song on my practice CD for the church Praise Team that says "Jesus made Christmas a Holy Day". As we enter the season of most busy-ness as well as business, it is an opportunity to notice not just the generosity and the selfishness of the people around us, but also the reason for everybody's season: "Now just why is it we do this again?"
As we see the lights, the displays, the festive decorations, the ugly sweaters, I wonder.....what would this world be like if we all celebrated the Holy Day just as hard as the holiday. If we got as excited about the Savior as we did the shopping. Before you say "Hey Jack, you are the worst when it comes to spoiling your Grandkids!", and I am guilty as charged (since they were born, I have always whispered in their ears that I really am Santa Claus) let me throw myself on the mercy of the court and say how easy it is for us to get carried away.
Let me challenge us all, then. Let's find a balance in these next few days. Take a minute and celebrate the Savior. Read Luke 2. Sing Away in a Manger. Love on your greatest gifts: your kids and grandkids, brothers and sisters, your parents, your crazy cousins, your friends. It's not just the greatest shopping season of the year, but also the season of advent.
My rant is done. Let me leave you with a song I wrote a few years ago. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to sing this in public this year so I will share it here.
First Born
What took place that Christmas Day?
What transpired that Christmas Morn?
What inspired the Angels song, "Unto us a Child is Born"?
Who could love so much that day?
Whose anointing without end?
Who could know enough to say
Peace on Earth, Good will to men?
He's the Morning Star who leads the way
He's the First Born of a brand new day
He's the Reason why we need to sing
He's the Reason for this offering.
His Name is Jesus, Jesus
What more can I say, what more can I give
He is Jesus, Jesus
What more can I say, what more can I give
He is Jesus.
In the flow
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