Well here I sit, 4 months down the road, my journey of changes, and not one bit clearer about what happened to Healing Flow, the music, the band, the church, and Frances and myself. Never before in our lives.....literally, have we been in such a predicament. We have always known not only where we were to fellowship as a church, but also what the Lord was calling us to do. Now we are dealing with the ultimate elephant in the room, are we getting too old for this.
Contemporary Praise and Worship is a fast evolving genre of music and churches that worship in this style are evolving rapidly as well. The "new" church is relevant in style and worship and the music we love is central to that end. Here's the rub (as Shakespeare would say). The worship leaders in this kind of church look like the fisherman on the left, my son Daniel, who is an immensely talented and anointed young musician and not like the old guy on the right, who though he is a gifted musician and a heck of a fisherman is way down the road age wise for what he loves to do.
God put a call on my life in 1979, and has taken me all over the country to minister to all kinds of people. We have never had to go looking for our next place of ministry. It has always come looking for us. We have served many great churches and Pastors and have met thousands of the Lord's Saints in churches, tent meetings, festivals, schools, parks and homes and have loved almost every minute of it. We're just not prepared to go quietly into that good night.
Pray for us. Our greatest joy has been making music with my family. Pray that the Lord would speak clearly what His plan for us might be.
May His Peace be on you this Christmas season. We love you.
Jack and Frances