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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Winning the Battle of the Mind

Sometimes we just get a little too wrapped up in our work, huh?

Evangelist Rebecca Wheeler brought this timely word this week at Walk on Water Church.  We spend way too much time believing all the junk that is poured through our noggins and not nearly enough time considering the truth of God's Word.

Let's try this out for a minute.  Lie #1  Women have no business in the pulpit.  Rebecca Wheeler can just bring it.  No question.  Our Pastor, Angie Burgess can hold her own with just about anyone.  Where do people get these ideas?

Lie #2  Rock and Roll is the devil and has no place in a house of worship.  Hang on to your red back hymnals, folks, but there is some annointed rockin music that lifts up the Name of Jesus.  As one who was saved, not at a church service but at a concert of Contemporary Christian Music, I can say that, personally, withour music that spoke to me, I would be lost and probably dead.

When we forget that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, when we try to explain a supernatural God in terms of our finite minds, we fall so short.  The Bible tells us to "Magnify the Lord".  He's a big, big God.

This week's set list:

Come, Now is the Time  (a classic)
Breath of God (Healing Flow)
Healer (Planetshakers)
Where I Belong (Building 429)
I Lift My Hands (Chris Tomlin)

Let's step back this week and see things from His perspective.  He's a Big God.

This blog is linked to the Worship Community's "Sunday Set Lists" where you can see what others on the Worship world are singing.  Visit their site at http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-202/