About Me

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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bridges, revisited

When last we talked, we were exploring the subject of building bridges.  This week we will be building more, beginning on Saturday Night.  This is an outreach we call "Rockin the Track".  The Racers for Christ ministry has invited us to do a concert at the Atlanta Dragway, which will begin around 5 in the Campground.  Look for the big tent near the top of the hill.  This is a unique opportunity as we will have thousands of people in ear reach of us, and it is street ministry at it's best.  With a little help from the Holy Spirit and a few hundred watts from out PA we can reach thousands more who are trapped in the usual parking lot traffic jam.  The idea is to draw a crowd, give away food, and share the love of Jesus.  I could picture the Lord in a situation like this, hanging out with real people and showing that He cares.  Come and join us.

Sunday Morning we will be joining Walk on Water Church and our Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess as we travel to McDonough Georgia to worship together with Pastor James Scott and his church, Shabbach. This is an exciting, Prophetic, Charismatic, Contemporary Church which happens to be primarily made up of African-Americans.  The cool thing, without sounding patronizing or cliche, is that two somewhat diverse congregations coming together to worship doesn't happen that often, and the fellowship and kinship we feel is special.  I don't know exactly what God has in mind, and this is the fourth time we have worshipped together, but I do know that God's heart is after people who can lay down differences and enjoy the brotherhood that is truly a snapshot of what eternity will be like, as we worship at the feet of the Throne.  Come and be a part of what I think will be a mindblowing experience.  Shabbach meets at 500 Industrial Boulevard, McDonough GA 30253.

I hear Praise reports from around the state and the country that God is moving in a new and powerful way.  I challenge you to jump into the water, let God do a new thing in you as well.  There is so much more to this relationship with Him than we have ever experienced.  I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

in the flow.....
