About Me

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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm thankful

Things I'm thankful for today.....

1. I have a God who loves me.

2. I have a fantastic wife and a great marriage

3. I have great kids (and a great grandkid)

4. I have a loving church family and a Pastor who is truly a shepherd

5. I have Healing Flow, a ministry made up of family members and friends whose passion is to lead people into the Presence of Almighty God.

6. I have family and friends who love me in spite of my faults

7. I have a great job and I serve great customers.

There is a lot to be thankful for today. It's a beautiful day. Love to all of you and Happy Thanksgiving!