About Me

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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Gotta Have Faith

Happy Mother's Day, Frances. (#1 Grandson Myles)

Natural Disasters, Wars and rumors of wars, Osama Bin Laden taken down, Financial disaster, and just about everyone I know facing the toughest times of their lives. Who ya gonna call, Ghostbusters?

In the midst of it all, I keep feeling deep in my Spirit man that God is about to show up and show out. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. Everything I put my hand to will prosper (not just a scripture but also in my fortune cookie last week). Let not your heart be troubled.

So I'm sitting there, playing on my new Martin Guitar and loving it when this phrase comes up in my Spirit, "Gotta have Faith". All of the sudden faith scriptures start coming to mind and I start writing it all down. Then I start to speak faith and testify. Before you know it, a song is born. Southern Rock and Roll (quasi Lynyrd Skynyrd) style and too good to have come from me. Thank you Lord for giving me a song like this. You are too good to me. We will be debuting this song within the next week....speaking of which.....

1. Walk on Water World Outreach Church. Our Sunday morning home base. Across from the mall in Athens, Georgia in the old Wall Mart Shopping Center. If you have been thinking about visiting you better come this week. Earth shaking annoucement this Sunday. Fasten Your seat belts and put your tray tables in the upright position.

2. Atlanta Dragway, Commerce Georgia. The Southern Nationals. This years outreach at the back gate in the campground features Full Circle and James Dew on Friday night and your very own Healing Flow on Saturday Night. Mind blowing Christian Rock and Roll, Free food, and Street witnessing. Hard core Christianity. You gotta be there! Saturday May 14 6 p.m. right after the big boys run. Program note, we can't possible turn the music up high enough to compete with Top Fuel and or Funny Cars, they absolutely shake the ground when they run.

Well there you have it. Other HFM news include the first CD is just about done, with some final tweeks and minor surgery going on in Nashville. It will be done, oh yes, it will.

We have secured the right to record People Get Ready by Curtis Mayfield to be featured on the second CD, called Songs and Stories, and on the fast track for a fall or winter release. For all you lovers of the "Train Song", we will work on it while we can, Daniel is headed to Med School.

Love you guys. Pray for HF, Pastors Perry and Angie Burgess and the whole Walk on Water family.

in the flow...
