About Me

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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Train Song

Train a child up in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. BSV (Balthazor Standard Version).

Can I brag on my kid a little? My son Daniel is an anointed Worship leader and keyboardist. He operates in the flow of the Holy Spirit and makes his old man proud. Both of my kids are devoted Christian young men with callings on their lives and I get a real kick out of ministering with them.

Daniel does a version of an old and well recorded tune called People Get Ready. I always say it was writted by the Rev. Curtis Mayfield. It has a cult following around our church (Walk on Water ministries) and our Pastor, Perry Burgess is as obsessed with it as anybody. He requests this tune often, sometimes by saying "Daniel, time to fire up the train" or something like that.

Daniel is in the process of applying to Graduate School to study Physical Therapy. It is a very competitive field and spots in school are not easy to come by. Pray for him as he goes through this and that God's will for him will come to pass. There are some really incredible opportunities out there for him and we hope for the best.

This weeks set list:

My Savior Loves, My Savior Lives by Aaron Shust

Made To Worship by Chris Tomlin

You are My Praise by Healing Flow

People Get Ready by Curtis Mayfield

We Fall Down by Chris Tomlin

This blog is occasionally (yes, not regularly enough) a part of the Sunday Set lists on TheWorshipCommunity.com go there and check out what other worship teams are doing.


in the flow


Monday, March 7, 2011

Unplugged, yet plugged in.....

What a busy week for Healing Flow. Last Sunday, morning at Walk on Water, evening service at Eastanolee Baptist Church, Wednesday night at the Potters House......and Sunday morning rolls around.....boom.

OK, all of the sudden the ladies are feeling less than perky. So Daniel and I move on to plan B and let Frances and Hannah take care of each other. While loading for the Plan B, Kenny calls in as well. On to Plan C and its only 9:30 in the a.m.

Let me say first of all that leading worship with my son is really not a shabby plan C. I get a real kick out of ministering with my son and I have a great appreciation for his gifts and talents, he is an anointed worship leader. We arrived late, set up quickly and just started to drift through our list of unplugged tunes to see what intrigued us. Before you knew it we had a plan and it looked like this:

Meet With Me Lamont Hiebert/Ten Sheckel Shirt
Madly Passion
Treasure Healing Flow
Sweep Me Away Charlie Hall
Your Love Oh Lord Third Day (well, a lot of people, but you know...)

So there you are, banging away on your classic 70's vintage Alvarez guitar when suddenly yhe Lord shows up. Boom, your unplugged set is now PLUGGED IN. Thank you Lord for taking control and moving in our service. There was an undeniable flow in the Spirit which is where we always want to be. There is where the songs of Healing Flow are birthed....There is where we want to be....in His Presence.

have a good week everybody

in the flow....


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