Wow. What a fall it has been! We have been busy, with some of us starting a new career and some of us moving, some starting college and some trying to get back in, yes, change is good, but we are all hoping for a little bit of a break right now.
The music has never been better, and we see God moving in our services. We take no credit for that, as the Holy Spirit is the source for all of that. Too easy to let that kind of success go to our heads, but we realize that all the glory, honor, and praise go to Him and Him alone.
There is a huge need at our home church, Walk on Water, and we pray that God will move on behalf of the church. Our Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess have been faithful and generous and giving people and we as a church meet a need in reaching out to the homeless and street people of Athens. God, meet our need, open doors that no man can shut, and shut doors that no man can open. Breakthrough!
We still hope to have our music project done by Christmas. It's hard to tie up loose ends and put together the total package, but we still have that as our goal. Pray that God will open doors and hearts and bless our efforts.
Come see us in Athens. We are looking at a couple of other gigs in the near future, possibly with our friends from Full Circle. Details as they become available.
In the Flow.....