On to plan B!
We arrived at Walk on Water Church to set up and something seemed strange. The Red light was out there getting off the Atlanta Highway and everything was dark. We pulled up at the door and was met by our sound man/outreach director/cook Joey who informed us that we had no power.
Well, no electricity, anyway. After much weeping and gnashing of teeth (no not really) and putting our heads together, we decided to set up in the front of the church and prepare to do the service unplugged. Me acoustic guitar, Daniel congas, Frances djembe and Me, Cathy and Hannah on vocals. We picked tunes that work unplugged and that the congregation would know without words (no video).
We ran through a few tunes and put the set together just about the time the lights came on. With a whole 15 minutes to work with we decided to go with what we had just done, only hooking up the guitar and some mics. It was a great set and a different feel, and God blessed it.
Here's what we did:
Your Love is Amazing
Light of the World (Here I am to Worship)
How Great is our God
Amazing Love
The running "amazed" theme was totally unintentional, but cool, none the less.
I'm now officially retired and unretired in the same week. I have started with Draisen-Edwards Music so I can be your hook up for musical instruments, PA, whatever. Call me or e-mail me and I will get you the best prices guaranteed!
Spent Memorial Day with my grandson, Myles. We had a great time. He's the coolest and although he is not walking without holding on to something, I think he will take off running any minute!
check out the Sunday set lists at www.theworshipcommunity.com to see what other worship teams are doing!
Have a great day!