Pinch hitting for Frances on the drums, Ron Balthazor
But first, your Sunday Worship Recap
Everlasting God by Brenton Brown Our first time with this one at Walk on Water. The song has been around for a while (2004) but that is good, considering we had no video this morning. There were a lot of people who were familiar with this one.
Psalm 5 by Healing Flow This song has a nice feel to it and will be complete when we put some horns in there.
Grace Flow Down by Chris Tomlin Cathy Roesch leads this and Hannah (her daughter) sings beautiful harmony. The rest of us just try to stay out of their way. I looked over at Daniel toward the end of the song and gave him the green light. He flowed into People Get Ready,
which the people just loved.
God of This City also by Chris Tomlin. I've been wanting to do this for a while and the timing was right for this week.
The real treat for me this week (other than the wonderful presence of God, of course) was having my brother Ron play with us. Frances was a little under the weather so I called on my little brother to cover for her. He is a great drummer and always brings a fresh perspective to the music.
Ron was living for Jesus when I was still a heathen, and his playing drums for the Lord was what drew me to a place where the Lord could touch my life. We had the privilege of traveling with the Contemporary Christian Band Visions in the late 70's where I met Frances and the rest is, you know, history.
This worship recap is a part of the “Sunday Setlists” blog event happening atTheWorshipCommunity.Com each week! Check it out and see what others are doing in their worship services!