About Me

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Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Time is but a vapor
Here today, gone tomorrow
Life is so fragile
breakable, changeable
Never ending yet sudden
Eternity unstoppable
Stops by to remind us
What is man that thou art
mindful of him?
I want to be in Your presence, Lord
I want to live in Your time and place
You know no boundaries
Your Love knows no limits
A day is like a thousand years
A thousand years is like a day
Got a minute?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Love Will Find a Way, Part two

Yesterday, the same today, tomorrow comes and love will find a way

There is a peace that passes all understanding. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He is our peace, who has broken down every wall. When we begin to cry out why, we need to seek Him out as He already knows the answer. He sees the end from the beginning. When He gives us a glimpse of what He can do for us, and when we step over from the natural to the supernatural presence of God, we find Him and we find His peace. I want to live right there, in His Healing Flow.

There is one thing for certain in these uncertain times. We have absolutely no clue where this world is heading and what the economy, or the government, will do. What then is our recourse? How do we handle it? In the midst of his worst day Job said, "Oh that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead or engraved in rock forever! I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. (Job 19:23-25 NIV)

As you face the giants in your life today, know that better times are coming, and Love always wins in the end. If you have to, skip ahead in the book to the end and know, WE WIN!

In the Flow....


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love Will Find a Way

It seems that every family I know has an incredible situation going on right now. Sickness, job related stress, unemployment (or underemployment) debt (repo's, bankrupt, foreclosure), problems with people, the law, or both. When will it all end?

Here's my thoughts on that. Did you ever wonder if God was trying to get your attention? I truly believe he lets things happen so that we can see His goodness and turn to Him. Not that trouble is plan A, by any stretch of your imagination, but we are in the palm of His hand and nothing can touch us that doesn't go through Him. Pastor John Kilpatrick calls it the "Father Filter."

Have you put your life in His hand? If you haven't, it's as easy as saying "Jesus come into my life and be my Savior" and believing it in your hear. If you have done this, then rest in the fact that He sees the end from the beginning and He is not nervous. I wrote a song after my daughter Angie lost a baby a couple of years ago called Love Will Find a Way. It says this:

Love will find a way....when I don't know quite what to say.

He gives me peace in the midst of a storm
Each morning His mercies are new
He's my strong tower I run to Him
There's nothing my Jesus couldn't do

Yesterday, Today the same, Tomorrow comes and love will find a way

©2009 Healing Flow Music ASCAP

May God grant you His Peace that passes all understanding


Thursday, March 18, 2010

I am retiring

Big changes on the horizon for the old band director. After 30 years of banging my head (among other things) against one wall or another I am hanging it up to do something new. I owe a big thanks to the students, parents, faculties, staffs, and administrations of Oglethorpe County, East Hall and Commerce Schools. Band trips to a gajillion football games, concerts, parades, and every amusement park in the Southern United States, t shirts out the wazoo, and everthing you could possibly imagine. Great students with unusual names like Took, Possum, Destiny, Tobie/Tate (twins always confused me), Heidi, Corky, Tennison, and many, many more. When my students have more grandchildren than me, I begin to think that it's time. You can always find me here or at my website, healingflowmusic.com or hit me up for the best deals on musical instruments (I am going to work for Draisen-Edwards Music in Anderson, SC) but please stay in touch. I love you guys

The old guy, Mr. B

Monday, March 15, 2010


We're trying out a new blog system, as our old blog did not allow for comments. This looks like an interesting alternative and we will give it a try, as well as attempt to link this with our website, www.healingflowmusic.com.

This world is constantly changing and so are we. My whole situation is about to get really interesting and I will leave it at that for a few days until news can be posted. The ministry is alive and well and we are really enjoying having Cathy and Hannah Roesch with us on sunday mornings at Walk on Water Church. The vocals lately are amazing and the influx of new material, refreshing. The flow of the Holy Spirit is strong in our services, and we love WOW church and it's Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess and the great people there. Here are a few pics from recent services
Bear with us as we explore this new system, and please comment (if you can) here or at our e-mail healingflow@windstream.net. Thanks for stopping by!

Jack, Frances, and Daniel
Healing Flow Music