About Me

My photo
Jefferson, Georgia, United States
Worship Leader and Music Educator, family man, super stud husband, Guitarist, Songwriter, and Publisher

Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm getting too old for this....

Ramblings of a man on the day after a boogie board accident

Not too many good things happen after the phrase "Hey yall, watch this!" We were snowed in in the first White Christmas in 118 years or something like that when we decided to go out and video the kids (Daniel, Hannah, Andrew and Eric) playing in the snow. Daniel has a regular sled run out on our property, but the grass there didn't get cut this year so it wasn't working. So they devised a plan where they would tie a rope to the back of the four wheeler and pull the boogie board around in our field. One by one they all took a turn when all of the sudden the old man says, "I want to try!" The look of amazement on everyones face should have been enough to convince me that I shouldn't, but my last words were, "Hey Yall, watch this!" Things were going along quite well when we hit a corner and the boogie board drifted a little too far to the left, and I went tumbling. Chest pains, (rib cage, not the ticker) and a somewhat damaged pride, I soon excused myself to a warmer place to fess up to Frances of my stupidity and take my beating. (in a matter of speaking only)

Christmas was otherwise great, with my Grandson Myles having the first real toy explosion of his life (he is 20 months old) and friends and family near. Too much food, but some great memories and the opportunity to spoil Myles. Some highlights of the season:

We did an unplugged set at Westminster (Bentley Assisted Living Center) in Jefferson for Bethe Kellum and her ministry called Healing School. Hannah, Daniel and I sang some of the Healing Flow Christmas collection and Frances videoed the service for us. It was a TV taping for local station Channel 54 and I am looking forward to seeing it when I can.

We attended the Christmas celebration at Lula Assembly of Praise where our son and daughter Christopher and Angie and our grandson Myles attend. Myles dressed up like a shepherd boy and Angie was one of the soloists in the Choir. We love this church and their pastor Scotty Poole. A great celebration of the Savior's birth.

Some bittersweet memories this year as we lost Frances's brother Denver this year to pancreatic cancer. He is sorely missed and was a great friend and neighbor as well as a brother to us. My parent's have been gone over a year now, but when we listen to Bethlehem Morning, my brother Lindsey's Christmas CD, and eat breakfast casserole, memories flood back in of Christmas morning with Mom and Dad.

We will be editing video and posting pictures as soon as we can. The boogie board video could probably go straight to the famous TV show, but I think we better hold on to that, it could cause more people to have chest pains.

Merry Christmas!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Run to the Battle

Worship at Walk on Water World Outreach Church is always unique. Our Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess are incredible worshippers and create an environment that Worship Leaders like me can thrive in, namely FREEDOM. Ministering to homeless people and street people is challenging and tricky in that many of them came for the warm bed or the hot food and seem to be generally disinterested in the proceedings of a worship service, even one in a Pentecostal church with a rock band.

In the midst of that, we have a core of people with a heart for ministry, a heart for the move of God, a heart of Worship that is strong. They come to serve, not to be served, and to love and reach out to the above mentioned street people of Athens, Georgia. As I said, not where you might typically look for a major revival Spirit to break out.....but wait!

Here we are, pressing in to His Presence when the word comes from the Lord...."There is a battle raging for the souls of men....There is a war for men's souls....In war there is no spectators, you are on God's side or you are against Him...Where do you stand? Take up your weapons and run to the battle. Now is the time to declare who you stand with....Run to the battle, Run to the fight".

The intensity of Worship and Warfare is increasing week by week at WOW church. God is up to something special here. My question for you is, " Are you taking up your weapons and running to the battle, or are you on the sidelines, watching someone else fight? I wrote a song a couple of years ago that says it for me the best:

"Not content to watch another sing....zealous in the praises that I bring....a moment in the presence of the King....Lord I know I don't want to stay....arms length from a miracle...."

This weeks set list:
Song of Hope by the Robby Seay Band
Friend of God by Israel Houghton and Michael Gungor
We Prepare the Way by Rick Pino
Rescue by Desperation Band
(an extended period of spontaneous worship and flow right here)
Call My Name by Third Day

Thank you WOW and thank you Healing Flow Praise Team for your obedience and your heart for worship. Thank You Pastors Perry and Angie for your sensitivity to the Spirit and your love for your people.

The altars were full, miracles, signs and wonders, people getting saved, set free, and comissioned for the fight. What a service...All Glory, Honor and Praise go to You, Lord!

in the flow....


Check out what other worship leaders and teams are saying and singing at the Sunday set lists blog by clicking here http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-122/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+theworshipcomm+%28TheWorshipCommunity.Com%29

Sunday, October 31, 2010

He Touched Me

Here we are with a favorite of mine, Phillip Council's arrangement of the Gaither tune He Touched Me. We love it when Phillip comes with us, he is so open and free and ministers what is on his heart.

More live video from the Jam for the Lamb. Even more coming soon

In the flow....


Saturday, October 30, 2010

How He Loves

This is our version of the great Jesus Culture tune How He Loves as performed at the Jam for the Lamb. Singing lead is Hannah Roesch and Phillip Council. Enjoy.

This song was written by John Michael McMillan and also performed by Kim Walker and David Crowder. Powerful prophetic worship, which is a trademark of the Jesus Culture team. We get a huge response every time we minister this song.

If grace is an ocean, we are all sinking......


Friday, October 29, 2010

A Moment of Peace, if I may

Things sometimes tend to spiral a little out of control. Double digit unemployment, economy in turmoil, things going crazy at work or at school, friends and loved ones in trouble or sick....sometimes you just need a moment of peace. Here's Daniel, closing our set at the Jam for the Lamb with a hymn. Enjoy.

Hopefully we will be putting a little of this on our Songs and Stories CD which we are just beginning. Our first music project, Hold On, is about to finish production and may (I said MAY) be ready for Christmas. Yea!

In the flow,


Friday, October 22, 2010

Updates and News

Wow. What a fall it has been! We have been busy, with some of us starting a new career and some of us moving, some starting college and some trying to get back in, yes, change is good, but we are all hoping for a little bit of a break right now.

The music has never been better, and we see God moving in our services. We take no credit for that, as the Holy Spirit is the source for all of that. Too easy to let that kind of success go to our heads, but we realize that all the glory, honor, and praise go to Him and Him alone.

There is a huge need at our home church, Walk on Water, and we pray that God will move on behalf of the church. Our Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess have been faithful and generous and giving people and we as a church meet a need in reaching out to the homeless and street people of Athens. God, meet our need, open doors that no man can shut, and shut doors that no man can open. Breakthrough!

We still hope to have our music project done by Christmas. It's hard to tie up loose ends and put together the total package, but we still have that as our goal. Pray that God will open doors and hearts and bless our efforts.

Come see us in Athens. We are looking at a couple of other gigs in the near future, possibly with our friends from Full Circle. Details as they become available.

In the Flow.....


Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jam for the Lamb

Saturday was the Jam for the Lamb at B.C. Grant Baptist Church in Habersham county. There were five bands/praise teams including groups from B.C. Grant and Habersham Baptist, Empathy and Eve from Frankfort Kentucky, Full Circle (James Dew), and Healing Flow. After a slight delay and a few typical P.A. problems, Habersham kicked it all off with Chris Tomlin's Our God. They did several favorites and have an enthusiasm for worship that I really appreciate. We went second, and opened up with one of ours, Praise Your Name. Phillip Council did his arrangement of He Touched Me, then Daniel followed with the "train song" People Get Ready. We did Hold On, another HF original and closed our set with How He Loves. As we were finishing up, Daniel felt led to sing an old hymn, What a Friend we Have in Jesus.

B. C. Grant's choir rocked out with several original arrangements, including some interesting acoustic treatments and percussion, and reprised last years Days of Elijah. Empathy and Eve played an extended set with many originals after their Pastor brought the word, and James Dew and Full Circle closed out the night with a smokin set of covers and originals including their tune Superman.

Everyone seemed to have a good time and the BC Grant people are great and gracious hosts. Hopefully we will have an opportunity to experience JFTL 11 next year.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rocking the Potters House

Yall come out for a Worship experience you will never forget. The men of the Potters House have an enthusiasm that is so encouraging you can't help but join in. This facility is doing a great work for the Lord in salvaging lives and giving men a new start.

Healing Flow will be leading the worship tonight and Greg Roesch (bowhunter #1) will be speaking. Greg is a gifted speaker and Bible Teacher and has a real passion and calling to these men.

Service starts tonight (Wednesday, September 15) at 7 p.m. Come if you can, and if you cant come, pray!

In the flow,


Sunday, September 5, 2010

No Worship, No Rain

September looks like a busy month for Healing Flow. Sundays at Walk on Water, another Wednesday night at the Potters House and Jam for the Lamb on the 25th. Can't wait!

Todays service at Walk on Water was awesome. Pastor Perry brought a message called No Worship, No Rain. How do we expect Him to move on our behalf when we don't move on His.
Nine ways to praise: speak, sing, raise hands, stomp, play instruments, shout, dance, wave and run. We are challenged to get out of or comfort zone and worship God like David did, with all our might.

our worship set today:

Path of Life by Healing Flow. In Your presence there is fullness of joy and at Your right hand are pleasures forever more.

Open the Eyes of My Heart by Paul Baloche. A classic from 1997. Great to pull this one out every once in a while. Today we rocked it out!

Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin. Quite tasty version led by Daniel. People really do respond to this tune. I really enjoyed it today.

My Romance by Rick Pino. Unto You be all the Glory. Incredible flow here. We seque eventually into a Michael W. Smith like version of Angus Dei

Treasure by Healing Flow was the offertory. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. We flowed into a little I Could Sing of Your Love Forever and Send Your Rain.

What a great time in the Lord. God is so good to us, His Grace is absolutely amazing!

In the flow,


Be sure to visit the Sunday Set lists at the Worship Community to see what everyone is singing out there at (http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-111/)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

All About Hannah

Let me introduce you to a special young lady, Hannah Roesch. She is gifted to sing, which manifests in several different ways. In the last month, we have seen her sing classical music in recital in at least four languages.....

...sing the lead in a production of The Wizard of Oz....

and still find time to hang out with Daniel and the Healing Flow family

But she always keeps her priorities straight and uses her talent to lead worship with Healing Flow week after week.

She is starting a whole new phase of her life as she starts college this coming week at North Georgia. Hannah, we love you and have the highest expectations and hope for you. May God show His favor and blessing on you in everything you do. We love you.

In the flow...


Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Band Guy

Well, the new gig is fully here, traveling the highways and byways of Northeast Georgia , helping band directors, students, parents, and everybody in between with all their band needs. Going to as many as 6 band camps in a day and seeing and making friends, old and new. I am having a blast!

We have been to many schools including Commerce, Banks County, Habersham County, East Hall, West Hall, Johnson, Rabun County, Hart County, Madison County, Franklin County, Winder Barrow, Jefferson, Jackson County, East Jackson, Oglethorpe County, Appalachee, North Hall, and we are just getting started. We have seen many great marching shows in progress including Queen, Red White and Blues, Rolling Stones, Sparticus, Grease, Day and Night, Good Marching Bands Gone Bad, Pirates, The Climb, and some custom shows that are mindblowing. Where do these guys get these ideas? I get to work with some of the most creative people in the world.

Despite budget cuts, 1000000 degree weather, staff changes, old age, young age, new age, and stone age we are still out there making chicken salad for all we are worth! Congratulations to all of you students, staff, and parents for making it through band camps. I know you can't wait for school to start!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In His Presence

A New Walk Christian Fellowship is hosting a revival in July called Seven Days in His Presence.
Wow, what a concept! This church advertises itself as being different, and I believe it. They have a food ministry that is dedicated to feeding the hungry and are reaching out to meet the needs of their community. The revival begins on Sunday July 18 and runs through that week. Healing Flow is scheduled to lead worship on that Monday night, July 19th. Hopefully we can bring some of our faithful friends with us to experience God's Presence in a new and powerful way. Hope to see YOU there.


Here's a link to the church: www.anewwalk.org

check it out!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Catching Up

A chapel in the middle of nowhere, where Daniel and I played a wedding

June has been a busy month for all of us, with me starting a new job, and commuting to Anderson, South Carolina every other day, and the various comings and goings of Healing Flow and SDR, and our families, I realize I have been slack in updating the old blog. So, much apologies and here we go....

There are some updates on the website www.healingflowmusic.com which shows SDR live at Summer Jam 2010. Check it out! You have to admire the desire of these kids to do something great for God, but a flat bed trailer on an open ballfield, in the middle of the day in 100 degree (no I am not exaggerating) heat is cause for heat exhaustion. If you check out the pictures, you see Daniel with a towel over his head for most of the gig. yikes. The good news? We got to see a Spirit Filled Baptist Church, with a fired up pastor and youth group, and unafraid of witnessing and worshipping God in freedom.

New music is in the works for Healing Flow, as we are doing some of the latest from Mercy Me, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong United, and of course, Healing Flow. God has been moving mightily in our worship at Walk on Water, and the services have been awesome. Pastors Perry and Angie Burgess are dialed in to the Holy Spirit right now and great things are happening. If you are free on Sunday Morning or you don't have a home church, come and check it out.

Coming soon: Healing Flow will be leading worship at a revival called "Seven Days in His Presence" at A New Walk Christian Fellowship in Gainesville. Check out their website and come see us on June 19th! 1607 Calvary Church Road in Gainesville.

In His Flow


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Unplugged Worship Report

On to plan B!

We arrived at Walk on Water Church to set up and something seemed strange. The Red light was out there getting off the Atlanta Highway and everything was dark. We pulled up at the door and was met by our sound man/outreach director/cook Joey who informed us that we had no power.
Well, no electricity, anyway. After much weeping and gnashing of teeth (no not really) and putting our heads together, we decided to set up in the front of the church and prepare to do the service unplugged. Me acoustic guitar, Daniel congas, Frances djembe and Me, Cathy and Hannah on vocals. We picked tunes that work unplugged and that the congregation would know without words (no video).

We ran through a few tunes and put the set together just about the time the lights came on. With a whole 15 minutes to work with we decided to go with what we had just done, only hooking up the guitar and some mics. It was a great set and a different feel, and God blessed it.

Here's what we did:

Your Love is Amazing
Light of the World (Here I am to Worship)
How Great is our God
Amazing Love

The running "amazed" theme was totally unintentional, but cool, none the less.

I'm now officially retired and unretired in the same week. I have started with Draisen-Edwards Music so I can be your hook up for musical instruments, PA, whatever. Call me or e-mail me and I will get you the best prices guaranteed!

Spent Memorial Day with my grandson, Myles. We had a great time. He's the coolest and although he is not walking without holding on to something, I think he will take off running any minute!

check out the Sunday set lists at www.theworshipcommunity.com to see what other worship teams are doing!

Have a great day!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend recap

Nobody's perfect, but a little excellence wouldn't hurt
Sometimes we scramble, sometimes we flow easily, sometimes the anointing and the inspiration come from unexpected sources and times. Is it always easy? NO! The good thing is, the Lord is the one who is directing the show, we just need to be in tune with Him. I felt like sunday morning was one of those times. Our regular practice is Wednesday night, but we did that gig at the Potters House so we had to rely more on where we were Sunday Morning. It never really felt comfortable until we got under the Anointing and relaxed a little. Everything was fine and the music came out great. We did remind ourselves that we are not "performance based" but that we are worshippers and that's what He expects from us.
Here's the recap
Friend of God Israel Houghton (Michael Gungor) Always a good one and the congregation is always up for it.
None But Jesus Hillsongs Cathy does such a good job with this one. She is a gifted singer and worship leader and I am blessed to team up with her. Gentle spirit. Reminds us that "You (Jesus) are all I need" . How true.
Revelation Song Gateway Worship This song just works for us in a great way. The lead trades around through the band, and the song takes us somewhere, which is what we strive for in our ministry.
Your Love is Extravagant Darrell Evans We love to flow on this one with some other songs mixed in such as Reliant K's For the Moments I Feel Faint and Free Falling by Tom Petty
Trading My Sorrows Darrell Evans One of my all time favorites, and so appropriate for where we are as a church and a ministry. Led right into Pastor Angie Burgess' sermon on love.
This week is another busy one, including graduation for Hannah and a wedding for Cindy Jones' sister where Daniel and I get to stretch out our country music chops a little!
Be Blessed! Go to http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/ and check out the Sunday Set lists to see what other Praise Groups are doing.
In the flow

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday Night at the Potters House

Here it is, your report on the outreach of Walk on Water Church at the Potters House Wednesday night. Packed house, standing room only, and anticipation of something special on this night. We came with high expectations and prepared some of our favorites for the worship set.

Ascend by Lenny Leblanc led by Hannah Roesch. Although the men were not really familiar with this chorus, it did not take them long to jump right in there. Hannah said she had never seen anything quite like that. (They learn in a hurry)

Mighty to Save by Hillsongs led by Cathy Roesch. This one they did know and the worship was really starting to build nicely. I know we were getting a little loud, but the men worship so hard there that you have to to be heard.

Hold On by Healing Flow By now it was on. The men really jumped in and learned this one and the anointing was strong. You know there is a certain level of desperation in a rehab center like that so the message of the song touches people.

Pastor Perry got up at this point and asked for People Get Ready. Daniel leads this and it is a congregational favorite whenever we do it. This really set up the speaker of the night, Karen Lewis. She brought a message of healing and deliverance and probably close to 40 men responded to the altar call.

Celebration set

Trading My Sorrows by Darrell Evans. We have always loved this one and the men there love it too. Great worship led by Daniel.'

More prayer led by a young lady with our church and followed by our own Greg Roesch. I have never seen Greg so fired up.

Friend of God by Israel Houghton. This was the loudest of the night. The men blew us off the stage with passionate worship at an amazing volume and intensity. What a way to end the night. The only bad thing I can say is, WE FORGOT THE CAMERA IN THE TRUCK.


Pictures would be good right here, Jack. yep.

Well there you have it, went to minister and got ministered to again. It's contagious when you are around Perry Burgess, he makes you want to serve people and he's got it going on at Walk on Water World Outreach Church.

Potters House, you were a blessing for Healing Flow.

Monday, May 17, 2010

It had it's moments....

my weekend, that is....

Going to the auction, going to the Doctor, going to church, going a little nuts......but first

The Sunday Worship Recap

Walk on Water World Outreach Church, Athens, Georgia.

Praise Your Name by Healing Flow. This is our newest cooker, a good call to worship that rocks out pretty good. (Show me Your ways, Teach me Your paths, Guide me in truth, Lord we need you.) Bridge has a classic 60s rock feel.

Let it Rise 90's vintage praise tune, something familiar that we pull out from time to time that always gets a good reaction from the congregation

Without You (You are all I need) led by Hannah Roesch. Great harmonies and easily learned tune.

I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin Led by Daniel Balthazor. Here's where the anointing was so strong this morning. The feeling as the song built was electric (not that we go on feelings or anything, but the Spirit really started to move on people). A great worship anthem for the church. We are into our Chris Tomlin stuff more than any other time in the history of our ministry. It just works.

In Your Name by Healing Flow. We kinda medley'ed this one up with Breathe by Marie Barnette and All of my Dreams by SDR (Daniel's Band) A good flow here leading into the sermon by Pastor Angie Burgess on Bartimeus

The weekend itself....Frances and I enjoy going to auctions. A lot. Sometimes to excess. Anyway, we went to an auction friday night at the Apple House in Alto, a great place for people watching, almost as good as the patio at Starbucks, and were joined by our son Christopher for the evening. We bought some stuff for our grandson, Myles who gets whatever he wants because his grandpa (me) has already told him that he is Santa Claus. Saturday we went to one in Jefferson, and found a few bargains as well. The main thing we do is socialize and people watch.

Saturday morning I gave in and went to the Dr. after a couple of weeks of coughing, wheezing and general sinus mayhem. The First Care in Jefferson is great for that kind of thing and Dr. Zimmerman there fixed me up with all kinds of medicine. Bronchitis. whoo hoo.

Coming up this week....Healing Flow will be leading worship at The Potters House in Redstone Community in Jackson County. This is a Drug and Alchohol Rehabilitation Center and they do a great work. We can't wait. We will try to take pictures and give a good report.

Hanging in there this week, my last as a public school teacher.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CMS Spring Concert

Mrs. B always Rocks the House

Tramelia Sims solos on "Hold On"

Lauren Stevens and Drew Highsmith

Emmie Burley and Cailen French

Cote Scoggins what are you looking at?

CMS Concert Band

The last roundup, the final countdown, the concert of the ages, fine.

Healing Flow

Here's what I said in the program, I think it states it pretty good:

To the hundreds of Commerce students who have gone throughthe music program over the last 18 years, and to the students who were in my last year, I would like to express my gratitude for the privilege of being your teacher. The greatest honor you could bestow on me would be to carry on the tradition of the Commerce Band and Chorus programs and make next year the greatest ever. Always remember the concepts of ownership, focus, momentum, awareness, and excellence which are the leys to success and know that we love and cherish you not just as students but as friends and family

Jack and Frances Balthazor

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Musical Weekend

It all started with a teacher-student basketball game and ended with a great worship service. But first...your Sunday recap

Hallelujah (Your Love is Amazing) Brenton Brown Daniel kicked off the service with this old faithful call to worship. We enjoy worshipping at Walk on Water Church and the pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess are natural worshippers. It is contagious.

Friend of God by Michael Gungor Another favorite of mine in the style of Israel Houghton. He is a great worship leader but weak at swimming pool bball according to Daniel, who took him to school during Fresh Fire a few years ago in PCB.

Here we had a reprise of People Get Ready by Daniel, as a request from Ms. Frances in the congregation

Holy is Our King by Rick Pino I used to lead this, but it really stretches my vocal range and Daniel kinda stole it from me. Love Rick Pino and the prophetic worship style.

We Prepare the Way also by Rick Pino We segued into Rescue by the Desperation Band

Eagles Wings by Hillsongs was new to Cathy, but she did great. We lowered it into E and she sang it like she wrote it.

This worship recap is a part of the “Sunday Setlists” blog event happening atTheWorshipCommunity.Com each week! Check it out and see what others are doing in their worship services!

I was a little tired as I played a jazz gig with Alan Tolbert and the Hart County Jazz Band last night. He brought in Travis Payne and I as ringer and we had a big time. My weekend was very musical as friday afternoon we played for the school with the 6th grade band and ended up today with Healing Flow. Hopefully Healing Flow will be able to perform on the CMS Spring Concert on May 11th.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Now batting for Healing Flow....

Pinch hitting for Frances on the drums, Ron Balthazor

But first, your Sunday Worship Recap

Everlasting God by Brenton Brown Our first time with this one at Walk on Water. The song has been around for a while (2004) but that is good, considering we had no video this morning. There were a lot of people who were familiar with this one.

Psalm 5 by Healing Flow This song has a nice feel to it and will be complete when we put some horns in there.

Grace Flow Down by Chris Tomlin Cathy Roesch leads this and Hannah (her daughter) sings beautiful harmony. The rest of us just try to stay out of their way. I looked over at Daniel toward the end of the song and gave him the green light. He flowed into People Get Ready,
which the people just loved.

God of This City also by Chris Tomlin. I've been wanting to do this for a while and the timing was right for this week.

The real treat for me this week (other than the wonderful presence of God, of course) was having my brother Ron play with us. Frances was a little under the weather so I called on my little brother to cover for her. He is a great drummer and always brings a fresh perspective to the music.

Ron was living for Jesus when I was still a heathen, and his playing drums for the Lord was what drew me to a place where the Lord could touch my life. We had the privilege of traveling with the Contemporary Christian Band Visions in the late 70's where I met Frances and the rest is, you know, history.

This worship recap is a part of the “Sunday Setlists” blog event happening atTheWorshipCommunity.Com each week! Check it out and see what others are doing in their worship services!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday Worship Recap

Healing Flow at Walk on Water Church, Athens, Georgia

Great day of worship as the Lord showed up and showed out. We really enjoyed the Presence of the Lord and a great message by Pastor Cindy Hardy from Lighthouse Church in Monroe. We were all challenged to take off our masks and be real.

Set list this week

Breath of God by Healing Flow This song is a breath prayer, in an uptempo latin style. It was cooking along quite well until I broke a D string toward the end. Oh well, that's why I always carry an extra guitar on stage!

You Never Let Go by Matt Redman. I really enjoy this one, and it works well for us. We open it up unplugged, with acoustic guitar and djembe and build from there. Whom then shall I fear? First time with Hannah and Cathy singing back up.

None but Jesus by Hillsongs. Cathy leads this and does a fantastic job.

How He Loves by John Mark McMillen We do it full on, sloppy wet kiss and all. Kind of a mix of the Kim Walker arrangement as Hannah Roesch does the first verse and Daniel does the second. I knew this was going to be hot today as we had people entering in during the sound check this morning. The speaker said this was her new favorite worship tune and had us repeat it during the altar call later on.

Press In by Healing Flow. I wrote the lyrics and Daniel wrote the music on this. Actually, I wrote the song one way and Daniel changed it to what it is today. I like it Daniels way and he leads this.

Overall a great day at Walk on Water Church. Thank you Lord, all the Glory, Honor and Praise belongs to You!

This worship recap is a part of the “Sunday Setlists” blog event happening atTheWorshipCommunity.Com each week! Check it out and see what others are doing in their worship services!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Doin' the Lord's Work on Spring Break

I've always said that the Gospels talk a lot more about the lake than they do the church. Yesterday was the shakedown cruise for the family boat and for the 3rd year in a row (yea!!!!) everything went smoothly. The refitting that we did two springs ago was the best investment we have made (boatwise) since we bought this little pontoon. As our Wednesday night got postponed to Thursday, we went on the spur of the moment and had a good time. Cruised the Little River section of Lake Lanier, and did a little bass fishing. Beautiful night on the lake, with cool temps and not too much wind. The big bass were flipping and flopping, some coming completely out of the water, so we concentrated on top water and shallow running baits. Nothing ended up in the boat, but one did take my lure into the trees and broke off (yes, I set the hook, I know she was there) and got my heart pumping. Daniel went and does a wonderful job captaining the ship, and driving on and off the trailer which means the old man doesn't have to get too wet when the water temp is only around 70. A good night and a good time and we hope to go again before break is over.

Peter, James and John were pros. These days they would be Bassmasters or on Dangerous Catch, so we know that fishermen hold a soft spot in the Lord's heart. Getting out and enjoying God's creation is always good, and good family time is precious. Next time, though, we put some of those bad boys in the boat with us.

Time spent fishing does not count against you, I have always felt.

In the flow,


Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

What a glorious day! Beautiful weather, great service, Family time with my kids and my grandson, food everywhere, what more could any man ask for? Fishing, you say? That will surely come, young grasshopper, as I am officially on Spring Break this week. The boat is cleaned up and pointed out of the yard, and it looks promising for several days this week.

Easter Sunday morning at Walk on Water World Outreach Church

The Healing Flow Set list:

Praise Your Name by Healing Flow Our newest creation, rocks out pretty good with a straight ahead 60's bridge.

Jesus Messiah yep, we do it, no frills, just laying it out there. My son Daniel sings lead and the harmonies right now are pretty dad gum fine.

The Wonderful Cross by Chris Tomlin We had not done this in a couple of years but it works out great, with three different lead singers and a tasteful, unplugged feel at the end

At the Cross by Hillsongs My first time with this one, but Cathy Roesch (former Worship leader at Community Church) and her daughter Hannah (Daniel's girlfriend) really do this song well. I love the bridge..."You tore the veil, You made a way, when You said that it is done"

Walk on Water church is a homeless mission with a ministry to the street people of Athens, Georgia. It is Pastored by Perry and Angie Burgess and we are honored to serve with them whenever we can.

This worship recap is a part of the “Sunday Setlists” blog event happening atTheWorshipCommunity.Com each week! Check it out and see what others are doing in their worship services!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Time is but a vapor
Here today, gone tomorrow
Life is so fragile
breakable, changeable
Never ending yet sudden
Eternity unstoppable
Stops by to remind us
What is man that thou art
mindful of him?
I want to be in Your presence, Lord
I want to live in Your time and place
You know no boundaries
Your Love knows no limits
A day is like a thousand years
A thousand years is like a day
Got a minute?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Love Will Find a Way, Part two

Yesterday, the same today, tomorrow comes and love will find a way

There is a peace that passes all understanding. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He is our peace, who has broken down every wall. When we begin to cry out why, we need to seek Him out as He already knows the answer. He sees the end from the beginning. When He gives us a glimpse of what He can do for us, and when we step over from the natural to the supernatural presence of God, we find Him and we find His peace. I want to live right there, in His Healing Flow.

There is one thing for certain in these uncertain times. We have absolutely no clue where this world is heading and what the economy, or the government, will do. What then is our recourse? How do we handle it? In the midst of his worst day Job said, "Oh that my words were recorded, that they were written on a scroll, that they were inscribed with an iron tool on lead or engraved in rock forever! I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. (Job 19:23-25 NIV)

As you face the giants in your life today, know that better times are coming, and Love always wins in the end. If you have to, skip ahead in the book to the end and know, WE WIN!

In the Flow....


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love Will Find a Way

It seems that every family I know has an incredible situation going on right now. Sickness, job related stress, unemployment (or underemployment) debt (repo's, bankrupt, foreclosure), problems with people, the law, or both. When will it all end?

Here's my thoughts on that. Did you ever wonder if God was trying to get your attention? I truly believe he lets things happen so that we can see His goodness and turn to Him. Not that trouble is plan A, by any stretch of your imagination, but we are in the palm of His hand and nothing can touch us that doesn't go through Him. Pastor John Kilpatrick calls it the "Father Filter."

Have you put your life in His hand? If you haven't, it's as easy as saying "Jesus come into my life and be my Savior" and believing it in your hear. If you have done this, then rest in the fact that He sees the end from the beginning and He is not nervous. I wrote a song after my daughter Angie lost a baby a couple of years ago called Love Will Find a Way. It says this:

Love will find a way....when I don't know quite what to say.

He gives me peace in the midst of a storm
Each morning His mercies are new
He's my strong tower I run to Him
There's nothing my Jesus couldn't do

Yesterday, Today the same, Tomorrow comes and love will find a way

©2009 Healing Flow Music ASCAP

May God grant you His Peace that passes all understanding


Thursday, March 18, 2010

I am retiring

Big changes on the horizon for the old band director. After 30 years of banging my head (among other things) against one wall or another I am hanging it up to do something new. I owe a big thanks to the students, parents, faculties, staffs, and administrations of Oglethorpe County, East Hall and Commerce Schools. Band trips to a gajillion football games, concerts, parades, and every amusement park in the Southern United States, t shirts out the wazoo, and everthing you could possibly imagine. Great students with unusual names like Took, Possum, Destiny, Tobie/Tate (twins always confused me), Heidi, Corky, Tennison, and many, many more. When my students have more grandchildren than me, I begin to think that it's time. You can always find me here or at my website, healingflowmusic.com or hit me up for the best deals on musical instruments (I am going to work for Draisen-Edwards Music in Anderson, SC) but please stay in touch. I love you guys

The old guy, Mr. B

Monday, March 15, 2010


We're trying out a new blog system, as our old blog did not allow for comments. This looks like an interesting alternative and we will give it a try, as well as attempt to link this with our website, www.healingflowmusic.com.

This world is constantly changing and so are we. My whole situation is about to get really interesting and I will leave it at that for a few days until news can be posted. The ministry is alive and well and we are really enjoying having Cathy and Hannah Roesch with us on sunday mornings at Walk on Water Church. The vocals lately are amazing and the influx of new material, refreshing. The flow of the Holy Spirit is strong in our services, and we love WOW church and it's Pastors, Perry and Angie Burgess and the great people there. Here are a few pics from recent services
Bear with us as we explore this new system, and please comment (if you can) here or at our e-mail healingflow@windstream.net. Thanks for stopping by!

Jack, Frances, and Daniel
Healing Flow Music